
Datuk Wira Dr Azizan Osman
Meet Datuk Wira Dr Azizan Osman – a distinguished Business Growth Advisor and Mentor with a proven track record of transforming over 10,000 businesses, spanning small, medium, and large enterprises. Renowned for his ability to propel companies to remarkable revenue milestones, ranging from RM10 million to RM500 million annually, Azizan is a true catalyst for success in the industry.
Azizan's approach to business growth goes beyond mere success – it's about setting new standards and reaching unparalleled heights while uncovering new opportunities for expansion. As a Professor of Practice at Asia e University, Malaysia, he brings extensive expertise in business development and marketing strategies. His academic achievements include a Ph.D. in Business from Asia e University, an MSc in Marketing from Salford, and a Master in Law from the University of Cumbria, alongside executive education from Columbia, Kellogg, and IMD. Currently serving as the Executive Chairman of RichWorks International, Executive Chairman and Shareholder of Innovative College University, and a Board Member and major shareholder of ManagePay Systems Berhad (MPay), a Fintech listed company, he also owns a Licensed Factoring and Leasing company. Azizan continues to lead by example in business growth and marketing strategy.
28-Aug-2024Keynote Theatre 2Unstoppable SMEs: Navigating and Conquering Economic Turbulence
29-Aug-2024Keynote Theatre 2Unstoppable SMEs: Navigating and Conquering Economic Turbulence