ISOCert Singapore, a local-based professional management system certification body and auditing organization trusted by over 700 companies across 20 markets regionally. We are accredited by Singapore Accreditation Council (SAC) and APMG International to provide ISO management systems certification audits, approved Audit Organisation under Ministry of Manpower (MOM) for Workplace Safety and Health audits, appointed Assessment body by Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) for Personal Data Protection Assessment, and appointed certification body by Cyber Security Agency of Singapore (CSA) for Cyber Essentials & Cyber Trust marks. Our professional services are curated to serve organisations from government sector, MNCs and SMEs across all industries. We work towards delivering trusted services to help organisations optimize business practices and inspire confidence in their interested parties.
Our Mission
To add value to our client's existing business by providing reliable and accurate assessments in management systems in a timely yet efficient manner whilst maintaining the highest standards of professional integrity and quality in our work.
Our Vision
To be recognized as the leading, trusted brand in the professional certification services.